Matt and Jimi

acoustic worship





Hit Counter


Don't miss me this month at Mizmor.  Monday and Tuesday, March 4 and 5, Mizmor is going to be featuring me on their website.  So here's my request: go to their site and listen to my songs a whole bunch those days!  Each time you do, you will be helping more people hear our music.  To add a little incentive, I am posting a brand new recording of the song "No One Like You."  I'm really pleased with the way this turned out... you'll definitely want to have a copy of it.  And for now, the only place you can hear it is at Mizmor.  So go there, listen and download our music this Monday and Tuesday.  Thanks for your support.  It is so exciting that more and more people, all around the world are being exposed to the exciting ways God is moving here.





bulletWorship Together
bulletLangejans Guitars
bulletThe Ooze: Postmodern Website
bullet Mizmor: help get our songs heard by others
bullet ShareSong: Listen to our songs here

We are working on some new material for this section!



Go see the Wall Of Fame!!!  It's fun and you never know who you might see there.

Download the new song "Here I Stand." It is about as brand new as they come.  The song just expresses our desire to know God more as we worship Him and respond to His beauty and majesty.


This site was last updated 02/26/02