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We had a great time at the Refinery Friday night.  Check out the pictures and the Wall of Fame. 

Check out GCC's new website for churches and church leaders: www.wiredchurches.com!  You can read more about our involvement with Sharesong there.

My main focus has been Mizmor and ShareSong lately.  They are websites dedicated to giving artists a forum to share their worship songs with the world... for free.  So if you haven't checked out these two AWESOME sites- What Are You Waiting For?  Check them out!  They are free.  Keep downloading and listening to our music there. 


Links Words
Sorry, I didn't have the page setup correctly.  Now you can read my report from Slovakia.



Pictures Songs
Go see the Wall Of Fame!!!  It's fun and you never know who you might see there. We are now going to be posting new music on Mizmor and Sharesong, so check there often to find new music.  Each time you listen to or download a song, it registers as a 'vote' for our music.  Thanks!