More Like You

Matt Adams

G                                            C

Bring me in, into your presence Lord

G                                                  C

Search my heart, know all that is in me

Em   D         C

I will not be satisfied, by where I am or where I’m going

Em        D                  C

Until I’m only just like You


D               G                  C

Make me more, more like You

D               G                  C

Make me more, more like You

Am                  G/B

Touch me now, change my life


Make me Lord, a living sacrifice


G                                                 C

Bring me in, into the Holy place

G                                                                 C

Unveil my eyes so I can see Your lovely face

Em   D     C

I will not be satisfied, by where I am or where I’m going

Em            D                           C

Until I’m only just like You



Make me more, more like You


In all I say, in all I do

G                                    C       

I wanna be more like You Jesus

(3 times)


Words and Music by Matt Adams

©1998 eight may music